PTR29: Casa da Montanha

Alcanena, Santarém



Rustic stone house with 66m2 in need of renovation. Walled land with 1,200m2

Property Advertised by: Licensed Estate Agent

Property Description

Rustic stone house with 66m2 in need of renovation

Land with 1,200m2 which is walled with traditional stone walls. Located in the village of Serra de Santo António – Alcanena in the National Park mountains of Aire e Candeeiros

About 10km from the knot of highways A1/A23, 20km of Fatima about 45minutes from Albufeira de Castelo de Bode. Near the Olhos de Água river beach. Less than 1 hour from the beach of Nazaré; About 30 minutes from the Albufeira Castle of Bode.
Approximately 1 hour from Lisbon; 1 hour 30mins of theSerra da Estrela; Close to the caves of Mira de Aire (one of the Seven Wonders of Portugal), the Caves of Santo António and the caves of Alvados.

Property Location

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